Improving global prehospital and emergency medicine, public health, and disaster health care and preparedness

David Heslop

Associate Professor David Heslop is the Director of Health Management at the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at UNSW Sydney. He retains significant military responsibilities as Senior Medical Adviser for CBRNE to Special Operations Headquarters Australia and to Australian Defence Force (ADF) joint senior leadership and is a Family Physician and Occupational Physician. He has published in the areas of epidemic modeling, disaster management, CBRNE medicine, and military health systems.

His current research effort and interests focus on complexity science, agent-based and deterministic modeling, emergent complex adaptive systems phenomena, test and evaluation of systems, policy research, epidemic modeling, exotic and emerging infections, disaster preparedness and response, organizational resilience in health care, development of robust socio-technical systems in health care, and the modeling, simulation and investigation of public health interventions and systems.