Improving global prehospital and emergency medicine, public health, and disaster health care and preparedness

Osamu Kunii, MD, PhD, MPH

Dr. Osamu Kunii is currently serving as CEO and Executive Director of the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT), which promotes R&D of therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccines against infectious diseases such as neglected tropical diseases, tuberculosis, and malaria.

For the past thirty years, he has been engaged in global health, especially infectious disease control, humanitarian emergencies, and maternal and child health, through NGOs, JICA, academia, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNICEF, and the Global Fund. He is a visiting professor at several universities and has published over 100 articles and books on global health. He recently served as the Deputy Director of the G7 Hiroshima Global Health Taskforce and chaired the 100 Days Mission Working Group.