Improving global prehospital and emergency medicine, public health, and disaster health care and preparedness


Donate to WADEM

Please consider donating to WADEM and support education, research, and collaboration in disaster medicine, prehospital care, and the health aspects of emergency management and complex humanitrian crises. Donations will help support WADEM’s webinars, podcasts, and other virtual learning initiatives.

Support a Delegate Fund

Contribute to the “Support a Delegate” scholarship fund! This fund provides student delegates and delegates from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with registration scholarships to participate in the WADEM Congress. In many cases, scholarship recipients are able to leverage the award to obtain additional sources of support in order to participate!

LMICs are often the most impacted by large-scale disasters, infectious diseases, migrating populations, and mass-casualty incidents, yet have the fewest resources for preparedness, response, and recovery. Students are the next generation of health care professionals, first responders, and researchers!

You can easily make a contribution by clicking on the button below. PayPal will process the donation, and you can use a credit/debit card – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover – in addition to PayPal.

Any contribution, big or small, will help!

Donate to WADEM!

Prefer to donate by check? – If you prefer to send in a check (US and Canadian financial institutions only), please make it payable to “WADEM” in USD and mail to the following address:

3330 University Avenue, Suite 130
Madison, WI 53705