Improving global prehospital and emergency medicine, public health, and disaster health care and preparedness

Membership Levels

Annual fees pay for a 12-month membership in WADEM and are determined based on the member’s annual income. The “sliding scale” used for membership dues helps keep membership affordable for individuals in countries/professions where salaries are lower.

An annual print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (PDM) can be added to your membership for $65 USD. The subscription includes six issues of PDM delivered anywhere in the world.

Would you like to add a print copy of PDM to your membership?

Are you a member of a WADEM Affiliate Organization?

Renewing your Affiliate Organization’s Annual Dues?

Annual Memberships with Online Journal Access

Category 1

Annual Income: More than $50,000 USD

Category 2

Annual Income: Between $20,000 and $50,000 USD

Category 3

Annual Income: Less than $20,000 USD

Category 4

Membership for Full-Time Students, Individuals in Professional Training Programs, & Members with Limited Resources

Annual Memberships with Online Journal Access and a Print Subscription

Category 1 - with Journal Print Subscription

Annual Income: More than $50,000 USD - includes annual (six issues) print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

Category 2 - with Journal Print Subscription

Annual Income: Between $20,000 and $50,000 USD - includes annual (six issues) print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

Category 3 - with Journal Print Subscription

Annual Income: Less than $20,000 USD - includes annual (six issues) print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

Category 4 - with Journal Print Subscription

Membership for Full-Time Students, Individuals in Professional Training Programs, & Members with Limited Resources -includes annual (six issues) print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

In order to qualify for the discounted membership fee, you must be affiliated with or a member of one of WADEM’s Affiliate Organizations.

Annual Memberships with Online Journal Access

Category 1 - Affiliate

Annual Income: More than $50,000 USD

Category 2 - Affiliate

Annual Income: Between $20,000 and $50,000 USD

Category 3 - Affiliate

Annual Income: Less than $20,000 USD

Category 4 - Affiliate

Membership for Full-Time Students, Individuals in Professional Training Programs, & Members with Limited Resources

Annual Memberships with Online Journal Access and a Print Subscription

An annual print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (PDM) can be added to your membership for $65 USD. The subscription includes six issues of PDM delivered anywhere in the world.

Category 1 - Affiliate - with Print Journal Subscription

Annual Income: More than $50,000 USD - includes annual (six issues) print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

Category 2 - Affiliate - with Print Journal Subscription

Annual Income: Between $20,000 and $50,000 USD - includes annual (six issues) print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

Category 3 - Affiliate - with Print Journal Subscription

Annual Income: Less than $20,000 USD - includes annual (six issues) print subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

Annual Affiliate Organization Memberships

Affiliate Level 3

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with 40 members, staff, faculty, etc. or less.

Affiliate Level 2

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with 41 to 100 members, staff, faculty, etc.

Affiliate Level 1

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with over 100 members, staff, faculty, etc.