Improving global prehospital and emergency medicine, public health, and disaster health care and preparedness

Membership Levels

Annual fees pay for a 12-month membership in WADEM and are determined based on the member’s annual income. The “sliding scale” used for membership dues helps keep membership affordable for individuals in countries/professions where salaries are lower.

Are you a member of a WADEM Affiliate Organization?

Renewing your Affiliate Organization’s Annual Dues?

Annual WADEM Memberships

All membership levels include unlimited online access to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (PDM).

Category 1

Annual Income: More than $50,000 USD

Category 2

Annual Income: Between $20,000 and $50,000 USD

Category 3

Annual Income: Less than $20,000 USD

Category 4

Membership for Full-Time Students, Individuals in Professional Training Programs, & Members with Limited Resources

Annual WADEM Memberships (Affiliate Discount)

In order to qualify for the discounted membership fee, you must be affiliated with or a member of one of WADEM’s Affiliate Organizations. All membership levels include unlimited online access to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (PDM).

Category 1 - Affiliate

Annual Income: More than $50,000 USD

Category 2 - Affiliate

Annual Income: Between $20,000 and $50,000 USD

Category 3 - Affiliate

Annual Income: Less than $20,000 USD

Category 4 - Affiliate

Membership for Full-Time Students, Individuals in Professional Training Programs, & Members with Limited Resources

Annual Affiliate Organization Memberships

All affiliate organizational memberships include unlimited online access to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (PDM) and an annual print subscription to PDM.

Affiliate Level 3

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with 40 members, staff, faculty, etc. or less.

Affiliate Level 2

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with 41 to 100 members, staff, faculty, etc.

Affiliate Level 1

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with over 100 members, staff, faculty, etc.