Improving global prehospital and emergency medicine, public health, and disaster health care and preparedness

Affiliate Membership

WADEM created affiliate memberships for institutions and organizations that share an abiding interest and mission in advancing disaster and emergency health to their membership, faculty, staff, etc. WADEM created this “affiliation” option to membership to help foster international collaboration and research with like-minded institutions and organizations.

Criteria for Eligibility

WADEM affiliate membership is open to professional associations, research centers, academic departments or programs, or non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations with an interest in promoting and improving emergency, prehospital, and disaster health care; community resilience; risk reduction; and/or humanitarian response.

Benefits of Affiliate Membership

Annual affiliate memberships in the WADEM include the following:

A online subscription to Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (PDM);

Unlimited access to the entire digital archive of PDM (39 Volumes);

Access to the recent recordings and slide decks from the webinar series;

A 20% discount on annual memberships for individual members of affiliate organizations;

Branding on the WADEM website (logo, website hyperlink, mission statement, etc.); and

Promotion of affiliates’ events (conferences, workshops, webinars, etc.) through email and social media.

Annual Affiliate Membership Fees

  • $577 USD for organizations with over 100 members, staff, faculty, etc.
  • $477 USD for organizations with 41 to 100 members, staff, faculty, etc.
  • $377 USD for organizations with up to 40 members, staff, faculty, etc.

All affiliate applications are reviewed by the Board of Directors. If you membership is declined, the membership payment will refunded.

Affiliate Level 1

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with over 100 members, staff, faculty, etc.

Affiliate Level 2

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with 41 to 100 members, staff, faculty, etc.

Affiliate Level 3

This membership level is for Affiliate Members for organizations with 40 members, staff, faculty, etc. or less.